Timmins Daily Press e-edition

Student housing development long needed and waited for (RE: Temple founders to build student housing develop

Karl Habla, Timmins

What a great, long-needed announcement, with hundreds of international Indian and international students arriving here in Timmins to study at Northern College to make a better life for themselves.

With this kind of development to welcome students to Timmins the word will spread like grass fire.

Timmins will become a hub for young folks looking for a college education and a degree and many will remain in town. The Daisy and Bahadur Bains need to be commended for their undertaking.

For now, this hub — which is much too small— is the Timmins Sikh Temple at 24 Cedar St. S, where students can get help and the advice they need. So this four five-storey building development is badly needed. And with the city and province giving their support, in a couple of years there could also be federal support for this most useful and needed project.

A big thank you to the Bains and the Sikh community is in order.






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